How to Lose a Crowd in Seven Days
Jesus never had an inkling of a thought to gain a crowd. In fact, much of what He did was quite the opposite of popular church growth ideas.
Gary Wright
The Hole in the Heart of the World
There is a never ending hole in all humanity, which leaves the deepest longing, sparks the greatest fear, and demands the greatest of all struggles.
Gary Wright
Huge Dream from God, but Nobody Believes You
Do you have a dream — How do you live faithfully if no one else believes what you are trusting God for?
Gary Wright
When God Throws You a Curve Ball?
Life doesn’t always go our way. There are some important lessons you can benefit from if you want to stay strong and faithful when your life is forced to take a major turn.
Gary Wright
Are You Ready to Give Up?
It is often in the waiting and struggle of longterm faith and believing that God brings the greatest victories and blessings.
Gary Wright