Your Glory Is The Reason

What is the purpose of life? Why are we alive?

Scripture teaches us that God’s ultimate goal in everything is His glory. And we are commanded to do everything for His glory. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

The Westminster Shorter Catechism begins with this: What is the chief end of man? Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. When we are surrendered to Christ, to follow Him and live for Him, it should be our heartbeat to see God glorified. Regardless of what the Lord may allow in our path, whether good or bad in the short term, our hope is that in the end Christ will be glorified in it and that it will draw people to Him.

If we will keep our mind and heart on this goal, it can help us to endure whatever life may bring our way in God’s providence and grace.

This is a simple hymn to help us take hold of this truth and purify our motivation.

Words and Music by Gary Wright
©2023 LIVEGLAD Music