We Bow Before Your Throne (2023 Version)

This is a total remake of our original song released in 2016.

This song has a lot of history. I first wrote the chorus in the summer of 1995 while I was leading worship for Centrifuge. I used this chorus in worship for many, many years. It was once the theme song for See You At The Pole.

In 2015, I felt led to write some verses for it. Once we landed on these verses, which are some of my favorites of any of our worship songs, we recorded the song in our home studio. That recording released in 2016.

About this version: My hope was to accomplish two things in the approach. First, I wanted to give the impression, as much as possible, of being before the throne of God joined with the heavenly host in worship. Second, at the same time, I also wanted to give a sense of the individual aloneness we may often feel when we are approaching God ourselves. Throughout this song, you’ll hear worship alone and with a full “assembly”.

Words and Music by Gary & Stephanie Wright
©2015 LIVEGLAD Music